DUI Defense

Finding the Right DUI Defense Lawyers  for Your Case

Our DUI defense lawyers want you to know that, in South Carolina, it is not illegal to have a drink of alcohol and drive. However, according to state DUI criminal law, it is illegal to operate a vehicle if the person’s faculties to drive are materially and appreciably impaired. Because a DUI conviction can have lasting implications to your private and professional life, it’s important to involve our DUI defense lawyers early on so that we can help protect your rights. Call 803-252-4800 today to speak with a DUI defense lawyer who understands the complexities of the charges you face.

Need a DUI Defense Lawyer?

There are a variety of DUI charges in South Carolina. The experienced DUI lawyers at the Strom Law Firm, LLC can handle them all, including:

DUI Defense Lawyers

The Strom Law Firm’s DUI Defense Lawyers can thoroughly evaluate and challenge your DUI arrest. Immediately, after you hire us, we will begin preparing your DUI defense.

Remember, pleading guilty to a DUI charge without the advice of a DUI lawyer can have lasting personal and professional consequences including:

  • Loss of your ability to maintain your current employment or to obtain future employment
  • The increase of insurance premiums as a result of the SR-22 requirement
  • Possible prison time
  • Hefty fines (which can double when you add court costs)
  • The loss of your license

All of the above consequences can undermine your credibility and jeopardize your future, not to mention have devastating effects on personal and professional relationships. That’s why it’s critical to secure the right representation – at the right time.

In preparing for the defense, your DUI lawyer, also known as a DWI lawyer or DWI defense lawyer, will ask a number of critical questions and review a variety of potential issues.

  • Your DUI attorney will determine if the police officer’s video camera started recording as soon as the officer turned on the blue lights.
  • Prior to administering the breath test, was the DUI implied consent notice read, which states the consequences of a refusal to submit to a blood test, urine test, or breath test? Your DUI lawyer should consider challenging breath tests.
  • Were field sobriety tests (FSTs) properly administered? Inaccuracies with FSTs are widespread and commonly challenged. Your DUI lawyer should know the ins and outs of challenging field sobriety tests.
  • A good DUI lawyer will be prepared to cross-examine the officer to determine if he had a legitimate reason to pull you over for DUI in the first place.
  • Did the officer read you your Miranda rights?

DUI Penalties in South Carolina

Your punishment for DUI is based upon:

  • Is your charge a DUI first, second DUI, third DUI, or subsequent offense?
  • What is your DUI blood alcohol level (BAC)? The higher your BAC, the stiffer the penalties.
  • After your DUI arrest, did you agree to or refuse to take a chemical test, such as a breath test?
  • Was there a minor child in your vehicle when you were charged with DUI?
  • Was anyone injured or killed as a result of your DUI?

Call Today for a Free DUI Defense Consultation

A DUI conviction can alter the rest of your life, impacting potential, future employment, insurance rates, and your reputation among your peers. A DUI charge is a serious offense that requires a strategic, aggressive, well-planned criminal defense. It is imperative that you do not wait until you have jeopardized your rights to contact a DUI lawyer near me. We know the DUI laws. Let us put our experienced DUI attorneys to work for you.

Call 803.252.4800 for your free consultation in person at our Columbia, SC office, or by telephone if you prefer.

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